uptmz voor agencies
Manage more accounts, in less time
30+ automations
No set-up fee
Used by 40+ agencies
trusted by companies with 1 to 300+ employees




Become part of our partner network.
We developed our platform to manage more than 500 accounts in 3 countries with just 2 sea specialists. Now, we're making our solutions available to other agencies through our partner program.

“Almost every customer I've had wants to advertise on Google. With uptmz, I've been able to help 20+ companies with their Google Ads”

Sinan Kaya
Bigheads Marketing
advanced ads management
Maximize ROI with precision and ease.
Our platform simplifies the complexity of managing multiple campaigns on Google and Microsoft Ads.
naadloze productfeed creatie
Improve visibility with accurate and engaging feeds.
Uptmz can integrate with the most popular e-commerce platforms, making it possible to automate the process of creating and updating product feeds.
slim script management
Install and update scripts in seconds
Finding and keeping scripts is a thing of the past. For all your accounts.
hoe het werkt
Use our platform if you in-house SEA specialist sells Google Ads as a service to your customers.
Request a demo
Our team will give you a demo about the product and answer all your questions

Book a demo
Partner program
Based on your needs, we offer you a range of services and products that are part of our partner program
Koppel accounts
Once you have chosen from the products, we will set up your partner account and you can link your accounts to Uptmz.
Find answers to some of the frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of UPTMZ's Affiliate Program?
Through the partner program, agencies get access to our tools such as ad management, product feed automation and script management. All partners have access to our customer success team, customized fees and monthly strategy discussions, at no extra cost.
Are start-up costs calculated?
Yes, but it's based on your budget. Our team helps you set up structures, campaigns and ads at no extra cost.
How do I start with Uptmz for my agency?
You can start by scheduling a free demo with our team, where we'll take you through the platform and discuss how our tools can meet your agency's needs.
partner praat
Our partners have a say
Grow faster and smarter
with uptmz
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